Wife Points

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My birthday was on Monday, and late afternoon I headed out with Logan to water all the new plants at the school habitat. Michael was busy at home cooking a birthday dinner, but as minutes turned into hours, it was clear that by the time we got home, dinner would have been history. So I suggested the idea of a picnic at the habitat, not really expecting it to happen. And so I got back to watering.

After awhile some moms came by with their kids to admire the habitat, and we got to talking. That's when Michael pulled up and started unloading a folding table, chairs, plates, glasses, and all the food from dinner. All the moms were suitably impressed. And right there in the center circle of the habitat pathway, we ate the birthday dinner Michael had made, salmon. Of course, I had to get up every few minutes to move the hose to the next spot. But the temperature and evening air was perfect for a picnic, and the meal was delicious and atmosphere pleasant.

By the time dinner was done, so was my watering, and we packed up and headed home.

Michael commented that he thinks he earned wife points with four different wives that night!

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