New design -- IN PROGRESS (ignore weird stuff)

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At long last, I'm going to work on the design of this blog. I've only been saying that for some two years now! But I'm going to do it, and then I'm going to post belated pics of all the stuff that's been going on in our lives. Yes, I've been slacking on the Wildemere blog for sake of the garden blog. Shame on me! But I suppose I could argue that the gardening is part of what's going on in our lives, so it's all good. So next entry should hopefully mean that the new design is done.

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1 Comment

how did u come up w/
as u can see that's my name.i googled my name and your site came up,i was very surprised,i always thougt that it was a made up name.
i'm 27 years old,i live in boston since 1999,but i'm from brazil.

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