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Thanks to some over-ripe bananas and our kids' inability to rinse and recycle their yogurt cups, we have developed a bit of a gnat problem. Obviously, getting the kitchen clean was the first step, but we wanted something to care of the existing gnats. I checked a bit online and ended up creating my own version of a gnat-control concoction. In a bowl I put one of the ripe bananas (peeled), vinegar, dishwashing liquid, and a little water to bring the liquid level higher. This I covered with Saran Wrap, held tight by a rubber band, and I poked and slightly widened a few little holes in the top of the Saran Wrap. It worked great! The gnats ventured inside and drowned. I don't like killing bugs unnecessarily, but those bugs don't belong in my kitchen.



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Those are probably fruit flies - not gnats.

Another fairly easy way to take care of them is to sneak up on them with a vacuum (assuming it's cord hasn't been chewed off lately) and suck them up. It's actually pretty amazing how well they hold on to the cabinet then when they let go... *whomp* into the hose. Then you can do the vinegar trick for the remaining ones.

For some reason every time we get bananas we end up with fruit flies.

Ok, fruit flies. I wonder if those were gnats out by some of the new plants in the side area by the house. It was awful trying to water them with all those bugs flying around...

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