Oh Happy Day... Hello, Mr. President!

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Today at last we welcome President Barack Obama to the White House. As my friend Sally told me today, when I asked her how she was doing, she replied, "I'm having a great day. My first great day in 8 years." And it has been a great day. Feelings of relief and joy and pride for our country -- I am ecstatic that my family and I have been able to see this glorious period of renewed hope and history in the making. Celebrations are worldwide. Worldwide. That says a lot. For the first time in my life I watched many of the inaugural events, and after I finish writing this, I'm going to go listen to President Obama's inaugural speech again. I am proud that the boys' schools showed the news coverage all day at school, and Nolan says that his class is writing letters to President Obama. I asked him what he plans to write to the president -- he says that he plans to tell him that he hopes for world peace and that we shouldn't be in Iraq. We talked about how "treating people the way you would like to be treated" relates to how nations treat one other, and that world peace starts with goodwill toward others.

Change is already in the works, from Obama working to undo Bush's last-minute anti-environment and pro-gun regulations to updating the White House website to encourage communication and openness. It's a good day, and a good beginning. Welcome, Mr. President. So glad you are here.


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