Hard to say farewell

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I admit that the last time I blogged was before April 5. I had a hard time with the passing of my 15-year-old dog Gracie. She was the third pet to pass away in less than a year, and I just felt I couldn't blog about her until I was ready. Kit-Kat had gotten very sick the previous summer, and Sammy died at 15 1/2 in November. While we knew that Sammy and Gracie were very old, by the time Gracie died, I just couldn't bring myself to write another memorial. But before I can get back into blogging, I need to do that for Gracie.


Gracie 3.jpgGracie came into my life when she was 2-3 months old. She was found by a neighbor at an old empty grocery store, and I quickly adopted her. Somehow her being found at an empty grocery store was fitting -- nothing made Gracier happier than mealtime. Older sis Sammy wasn't always sweet to Gracie, but with Gracie's unexpected kill of a garage-hiding rat, Gracie's confidence was up, and Sammy accepted her as an equal at last.

Gracie had her medical issues, but she rarely complained, even if she couldn't move very far or very fast. She had the softest ears, and it was so wonderful to lay on the floor with her, watch a movie or relax, and just pet her and rub those ears. She loved it, and so did I.

Gracie died peacefully in her sleep on April 5. We always thought her hips or back would give out before the end, but somehow her body just said it was time. I admit I was in a bit of shock -- with Sammy it had been a rough few months toward the end. Maybe Gracie knew that and wanted to make it easy on me, on us. But regardless, it doesn't change the fact that she was a very wonderful part of our family, and one of the best parts of my life for 15 great years. I love you, Gracie.

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